FAQ / what to expect

Do clear aligners hurt?

As with any orthodontic treatment, some minor discomfort may occur in the first 2-3 days you are wearing each new tray as your teeth settle into their new position.

How long does treatment take?

Each case is different and dependent on both the severity of the correction and the patient’s commitment to wearing aligners for 18-22 hours a day. On average, treatment takes 6 - 18 months based on the complexity of the treatment. 

Can I eat with my clear aligners in?

Aligners must be removed before eating or drinking anything except water, and teeth must be thoroughly brushed before putting the aligners back in.

Do I need to clean my clear aligners?

Soaking your aligners once a day in a solution, such as Steraligner, will give them a thorough cleaning and prevent strange smells or mold growth. Do not use hot water on your aligners, as this can alter their shape.

How much do clear aligners cost?

The cost of clear aligners varies based on the severity of required treatment and the number of printed trays required achieve the end goal. The cost ranges from $2000 to $8000, and financing options are available.