What is Invisalign?

Background on clear aligners

Orthodontist use various type of appliances to execute an orthodontic treatment plan. Orthodontic appliances grossly divide into two categories: fixed appliances or removable appliances.

Invisalign is a brand of removable clear aligners. 

Orthodontics used to be all metal braces and bands.  The first wave of change occurred when orthodontists were offered a method to glue metal braces on the teeth. New generations of wires also entered the market at the same time. This was in mid-1960s. 

Removable appliances prior to clear aligners were mostly made of acrylic and metal wires.

Clear retainers were the first generation of plastic trays to hold the teeth. Early plastic trays were stiff. Some orthodontists made these retainers on stone models where they slightly moved the teeth. These were the early iterations of clear aligners. 

Almost 30 years later, CAD/CAM technology changed how these plastic trays are made. The Invisalign appliance was born then. Each Invisalign aligner - commonly referred to clear aligners these days - basically programmed to move teeth slightly. A series of these aligners is ultimately straightening your teeth and optimize your bite.

What is an Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment is referred to orthodontic treatment carried out using clear aligners - limited or comprehensive treatment. Align technology was the first company that offered aligners called the Invisalign appliance hence orthodontic treatment with aligners is called the Invisalign treatment.  It is like when we call tissue papers Kleenex.

What is Clear aligners or Invisalign Braces Treatment Process?

The first step is to see an orthodontist for an initial consultation. This is complimentary in most orthodontic clinics. You should get 2-3 more opinions. Multiple consultations will make you even more confused. Click here if you like to learn more on how to find a top orthodontist near me.

You will be given an orthodontic treatment plan. Based on the complexity of your treatment plan and the skills of your orthodontist you might be given the choice of clear aligners or traditional braces. 

Limited number of orthodontists also offer alternative esthetic appliances called lingual braces. Lingual invisible braces are common in adult orthodontics.

When you are ready to start your treatment, the orthodontist needs a scan of your mouth - some still use old-fashion impression. Based on the clear aligner system (Invisalign system is one of them) used at the clinic, the orthodontists work with remote or local technicians to digitally move your teeth to the proper position and create multiple stages of treatment. 

Next step is to receive the aligners at the clinic. Some orthodontists fabricate the aligners in-house which speed up this process significantly. Invisalign aligners are often get to a clinic in 4-6 weeks.

Should you Choose Invisalign?

I like to propose this question slightly differently. Should you opt clear aligners for your orthodontic treatment? 

Various factors determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign or alternative clear aligners. 

  • You should be committed to wear your aligners 22 hours a day. 

  • Your orthodontist should be comfortable delivering the orthodontic care. Look for orthodontist invisalign providers. Alternatively, look for orthodontists in these directories: AAO and ABO

  • Your treatment time is reasonable. We notice aligner compliance fatigue 9-12 months in treatment especially in adult patients.

  • Your dental insurance coverage of aligners of Invisalign costs. Some orthodontists charge more for these appliances despite offering a payment plan option.

  • You care good deal about the esthetic, flossing, and ease of maintaining oral hygiene during your treatment time.     

The bottom line is that orthodontic treatment is often worth it done by aligners or metal braces. 

Share your comments or questions below. Feel free to share this blog with your friends and family. Good luck with your treatment whether you haven't started it or you have been wearing a few clear aligners.


How to place rubber bands (elastics) on my clear aligners (Invisalign)?